Roses in Clear Glass Vase - White


This stunning arrangement features roses and lush greenery beautifully displayed in a clear glass vase. Perfect for any occasion, the elegant roses bring pure white colour and a delightful fragrance, while the greenery adds a touch of natural charm. The clear glass vase showcases the beauty of the stems and adds a modern touch to any décor. Ideal as a gift or a centrepiece, this arrangement is sure to bring joy and elegance to any space.

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Dimensions: H 26cm x W cm x D cm

15cm Chillies in Tin
Fern in Seagrass Basket 43cm
The Flower Patch Cream Orchid in Glass Pot 40cm
Artificial Strelitzia Plant in Wicker Pot 80cm
Green Ferns in Seagrass Basket 30cm